The story follows Bilodo, a French postman who earnestly delivers post, has his lunch in a little café after his shift and then promptly comes home to his quiet little flat to some alone time, rarely breaking his routine. However he has a secret. The thing sustaining Bilodo is the time he spends steaming open and reading the letters between a long-distance couple, who write to each other in only beautiful Haiku poetry. For Bilodo these letters are a curious feast for his guilty eyes, but his obsession becomes his undoing.
The poetry of the writing combined with the intense and curious plot and the genius ending meant that this book stayed with me for a good while after I'd read it. As well as being swept up in the goings on in Bilodo's life, I liked the fact that we learn, along with Bilodo, about elements of Japanese culture and tradition, of course, all written stunningly. This book was truly a pleasure read from cover to cover, and I would recommend it to anyone (in fact, my Mum has it now, hence why I have not managed to take my own photo!).
The last thing to say is that this has been wonderfully translated by Liedwy Hawke, especially the Haikus!
♥♥♥♥♥ (5/5!)
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